Husky shooting guard getting defensive

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February 1, 2024

Staff note: We’re so thrilled to have a guest article from one of our student volunteers, Anna Glass. Anna is a senior at Battle Mountain High School planning to study broadcasting and sports journalism in college next year, and she’s learning some skills now with us through our Game of the Week productions. She profiled one of the key playmakers on BMHS Huskies’ BoysVarsity Basketball for our Game of the Week production on Dec. 18. You can watch her full report at the Youtube link below. 

By Anna Glass

A sophomore starter bringing defensive skills to a senior-led offensive team, Beau Suman has made a remarkable impact on the Battle Mountain High School Boys’ Basketball Team.

Suman is a shooting guard and has been a starter for both his freshman and sophomore years. He has been playing basketball for as long as he can remember. His dad is the reason he loves the sport. 

“My dad pushed me to play basketball and then it became my passion,” he said.

Suman said his biggest contribution to the team is his defensive skills. Because the team is filled with offensive players, Suman finds room to shine on rebounds and defense. Assistant Varsity Coach Pete Petrovski recognizes his physical ability on the defensive side to be a major force in an exciting string of games this season. 

Petrovski recognized his talent, but Suman is still trying to find his place amongst the team of upperclassmen. 

“He is very eager to go be a part of the team, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to help them win,” said Coach Petrovski.

His teammates consider that to be his biggest strength: youth.

“He's young. He has two more years to get better,” said senior starter Cooper Skidmore.

As a younger player on the team, Suman said he has been welcomed by the team even as a freshman. 

“I came in, I was part of the team right away,” Suman said. 

Suman says he has grown in the last couple of seasons with this team, both in his skill and confidence. His coaches and teammates see it in the way he works with the team.

“He’s grown so much, and he’s really found his place amongst that group where they expect things out of him,” said Coach Petrovski. “He’s become a part of the landscape, it’s not an ‘oh we’ve got this young guy on the team’ anymore, it's just an ‘oh he's one of the starters.’”