BMHS point guard Alessandra Caballero leads by example

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January 12, 2024

Staff note: We’re so thrilled to have a guest article from one of our student volunteers, Anna Glass. Anna is a senior at Battle Mountain High School planning to study broadcasting and sports journalism in college next year, and she’s learning some skills now with us through our Game of the Week productions. She profiled one of the key playmakers on BMHS Huskies’ Girls Varsity Basketball for our Game of the Week production on Dec. 18. You can watch her full report at the Youtube link below. 

By Anna Glass

Alessandra ‘Ale’ Caballero plays for her team and leads by example, that’s what makes her extraordinary. 

Senior Caballero is the starting point guard and captain of the Battle Mountain High School Varsity Girls Basketball team. This is her second as a varsity starter.

She has four older brothers and an older sister, all of whom play basketball. But it was her sister, Gabriella, who inspired her to play. 

She believes in playing for the team. Win or lose, if her team plays well, she is happy. 

“The people on my team motivate me,” Caballero said, “[Gabriella’s] Dribbling inspired me, I thought it was cool that she could do so much dribbling, and that’s all I know how to do now.”

The coach, Daniel Caballero, sees her work and effort for others. He’s also her brother.

“Alessandra’s best elements are her ability to create shots for other people, especially being a point guard, she does a good job of creating space for others.” says the head coach. He might be related to Caballero, but he makes sure she is held to the same standard as the rest of the team 

Her teammate, Izzy Kovacik, sophomore second-string point guard, concurs. 

“Yes, she pushes you, but it makes you the best player you can be,” she said. 

Even as a soft-spoken player, Caballero leads by example and captains the team by showing 100 percent effort every day. Coach Caballero said to develop her leadership skills, he gave her the responsibility of captain.

Caballero is looking forward to the BMHS Girls’ Soccer season this spring and also plays for the Vail Valley Soccer Club. In her free time, Caballero likes to make her own clothing and hopes to study fashion design in college.